Friday, June 27, 2008


Is it July already? Whoa! There is still too much we have left undone and we only have six months to do it. I guess the fact that Cordell will be done with school next month is enough accomplishment for one year. All the remaining stuff we want to do can wait. Besides, most of the "stuff" we want to do includes traveling know what my excuse is on that. But we are looking forward to the 4th of July with Jennie's family, and in August Cordell's mom and uncle Jay will come out.

In all that time, Austin Jay is growing like a dandelion. Everyday is a new surprise and his parents are having a hard time keeping up. We love to share hallmarks of his development with everyone but even that is proving to be a difficult and time consuming task. Thank goodness for the internet and blogging! This is something that Cordell is new at but he is going to hand it over to Jennie for their 5th wedding anniversary anyway. Do you think she'll like it? We'll see.

Anyway, enjoy perusing our lives here.

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