Our House

If you read the first post then I will start by explaining that Cordell couldn't keep the secret and showed me this blog over a month before our five year anniversary, which is on August 16th. So now, yes I am taking over the reigns and beginning a blog - yippee!
Anyway, I like to write so I am glad Cordell thought of starting this for us, and hope people will read it, because past experience has lead me to believe that no one really will; but I will sit here and write anyway, simply for the therapeutic joy of it. :)
As most of you who are reading this know either me or my husband you most likely know the most the major things that have been happening in our life lately. These things include us having a baby boy (Austin Jay) who will be four months old on Saturday, Cordell working full time and graduating in week (huzzah!!), and me taking on full time motherhood ("you pooped again!?!") but what you might not know is more about our day to day life, so below I have written a little story outlining a typical day in my life. Which I am certain you will find captivating, and you may even beg Hollywood to have it translated to the big screen, j/k!
It's four-twenty-nine am in the Bennett household and all is quite. Sitting next to Cordell is an innocent looking clock that, when changes to four-thirty, becomes the perpetrator in a major crime - waking Cordell and Jennie up. The first one to hear the offense will be Jennie who after about three minutes of listening to the radio will finally roll over and tell Cordell his alarm is going off. Cordell will then stretch and turn off the alarm, which will destroy all evidence that the alarm has committed any crime. Jennie will roll over and go back to sleep while Cordell will work on homework then get ready to go to work.
By six-o-clock Cordell is out the Door and Austin has woken up. Jennie falls out bed and crawls into Austin's room where he is trying to convince Jennie that he has never eaten before in his life and needs breakfast right away. So Jennie takes him and feeds him and changes his diaper and puts him back to bed. On good mornings Jennie will take the next two hours in which Austin is sleeping and exercise and shower, but most days Jennie just goes back to sleep.
So now I know what you are thinking, man Jennie you have the easy life! But I really don't. By the time Austin is awake for the day chaos begins.
Since Jennie skipped exercise before she compensates by cleaning her house like a madman, which is no easy task when you have a three month old who not only needs to eat every two hours but is also teething. Teething means there is a constant mess caused by constant drool, so the cleaning is never quite complete. Not to mention that somehow when you have one little baby, who has little clothes, and little blankets, you have massive loads of laundry. (I'm still trying to add that one up.)
Jennie wants to be good mother so she tries to spend some time each day reading books to Austin and can most of the time barely get through three pages of Cat in the Hat before Austin becomes uninterested and tries to squirm away. In another attempt Jennie spends time trying to play with Austin, which is normally received with this look -

No I'm kidding, Austin is normally a smiler :D
Throughout the week Jennie then also goes grocery shopping, does quite a lot of cooking, changes several diapers, and takes Austin to the park or up the canyon; and he really loves to be outdoors.
By the time Cordell gets home around six Austin can't wait to play with him and by Eight Austin is asleep. This is when Jennie takes a huge sigh of relief and talks Cordell's ear off because Jennie can actually have a real conversation instead of the following:
Jennie: who has a cute belly?
Austin: Mauh, thhhhhhh *Spit flies everywhere*
But seriously, I do have a really good life and I do really love spending time with Austin and Cordell. So now you all know how life is going for us, and it's pretty dang good.
*Note to Steve and Shea: Ok, I do have the easy life compared to the the two monkey's you have running around.