Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Brittany Anderson Photography
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Almost Christmas
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Sister Golden Hair Surprise Tag
1. Put Your iTunes, Windows Media Player, MP3 Player, or whatever on Shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
3. You must write down the name of the song no matter how silly it sounds!
4. Put any comments in brackets after the song name.
If someone says, “Is this okay?” You say? "Easy Tonight” Five for fighting – it’s all good!
How would you describe yourself?“Motorcycle drive by” Third Eye Blind – good driving music
How do you feel today?“Edge of the ocean” Ivy – need I say more?
What is your life’s purpose? “Marching bands of Manhattan” Death cab for cutie - I guess that means I am musically talented, ha!
What is your motto?“One of a kind” Rascal Flatts -I must want to be different
What do your friends think of you?“All fall down” One republic - I can’t say this quiz is making me seem very likable
What do you think of your parents?"You’re a God” Vertical Horizon - I guess I have issues…
What do you think about very often?"Forgiven” Relient K - Yes, I am not perfect
What is 2 + 2?"In my place” Coldplay – In my place it’s 4 I don’t know about you?
What do you think of your best friend?“Carolina on my mind” James Taylor – Maybe we should go to Carolina, Cordell
What is your life story?"Your still you” Josh Groban – I will always be me!
What do you want to be when you grow up?"You’ve got a friend” James Taylor – I’m already living this dream I am my kids mom!
What will they play at your funeral?“The Brilliant Dance” Dashboard Confessional – I sure hope not, but it is kinda about loss.
What is your hobby/interest?"Left of the middle” Natalie Imbuglia – I love this song, but I think I am more right of the middle :)
What is your biggest fear?"I will follow you into the dark” Death Cab for Cutie – yes I fear losing Cordell most, seriously.
What is your biggest secret?"Dusk and Summer” Dashboard Confessional – I guess my biggest secret is that I love summer!
What do you think of your friends?"Building a mystery” Sarah McLaclan – I never know what there up to next
What will you post this as?"Sister Golden Hair surprise” America - That’s what I am
How does the world see you? "Fire and Rain” James Taylor – It seems as if James Taylor is the playlist of my life
Will I have a happy life? "Sandman” America – not in my dreams apperantly.
What do my friends really think of me? “Superman (it’s not easy)” Five for fighting – I must be a superhero!
How can I make myself happy? "The Payer” Josh Groban – yes that’s true
What should I do with my life? "I wanna be with you” Many Moore – staying married must be the first step
What is some good advice for me? "The best thing” Savage Garden – That makes no sense.
How will I be remembered? "You’re all I have” Snow Patrol – I know I’m the only person in your life. LOL!
What is my signature dancing song? "Jesus Take the wheel” Carrie Underwood – not really a song you dance to…
What do I think my current theme song is? "You” Swichfoot – Yeah, it kinda is
What does everyone else think my current theme song is? "My sacrifice” Creed - I guess I need to sacrifice more
What are your Future hopes?“Someone to save you” One Republic – I need to be saved! :D
What did you learn about yourself from this? “Earth to Bella” Incubas – I learned I need to keep my head on stright I guess (BTW, I bought this song because of Twilight)
Anyone who has a blog and reads this, tag!
Just an opinion
In life we are faced with a myriad of opportunities; everyday chances for new and compelling experiences are thrown our way. Many opportunities may be out of reach, but some are more easily grasped. Yet, if we hold our hand at the ready, it may not always be enough. Rather then a rock - a handful of sand may be placed in our palm. Without carefully holding the sand in place a gust of wind, or a misstep, will take that opportunity out of our grasp, then we are left with nothing.
We all want to live life to fullest. We all hope that when we die we did something worthwhile; something our children or grandchildren will remember for the rest of their lives. We all want to take the risks.
Some risks come and go in fleeting fashion, thrilling one moment, forgotten the next. I saw a film at the Banff film festival once that reminded me of a life lived such a way. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Banff, it is a film festival all about outdoor adventure. Many of you know I was lucky enough to grow up in home where I had endless chances to enjoy nature’s thrills. I am grateful for the memories made with my family in the great outdoors. There is a fine line, however, between enjoying the thrilling sight from the top of a mountain and constantly looking for a higher mountain to climb.
The film I saw was about a woman who took up base jumping as an occupation. If you don’t know what base jumping is, well, the best way to describe it would be parachuting from a high cliff rather then a plane. The risks in such an act are much more infinite then your typical sky dive. To keep it brief I’ll put it this way, your not in open air, your inches from a cliff, and - you can probably imagine - the ground is a lot closer.
This woman lived for the base jump, and each time she had to up the risk to give her the adrenaline rush she so craved. She did this knowing she would end up severely injured or dead at the end of this career. She ended up injured, she could never jump again. At that point, she had to ask herself if it was worth it. The truth was, she had no answer. Her risk was fleeting, it had become the basis of her life, and when she didn’t die with it, what was there left to live for? I can’t speak for her, but to me it seemed as if she almost hoped she had died instead, because then she would never have to work in a cube or just live day-to-day like so many people do, she would have died pursing a risk.
After watching that film it was my turn to ask, what is worth the risk, and what does living life to the fullest really mean? It didn’t take me long to know. Living life to the fullest meant being part of something eternal. Not just something that gives you a momentary high. Thinking of this I knew that the only things eternal are family and religion. Both, although they seem common and everyday, are risks.
We all know the battles that are raging against both of these things. The forces of evil are converging upon us. I sometimes think of it as a superhero story. We all are the Spiderman’s and the Wonder Woman’s and the defenders of justice. Each individual hopes to be part of a cause that will save the world. Many hope they can do this by saving the animals or conserving energy; which does contribute in a small way to a better planet, but does nothing to bring peace or true freedom to a world that seems to be shouting for these things, yet losing them at the same time.
What can bring peace and freedom? Not one single individual, but rather a unit of people who believe in risking popularity and vanity to stand by family and religion. I suggest that what will save the world, rather then having superpowers, is having strength in God and each other. True family and religion are the two things that bring about more caring for one another then any other organization can commit to do. This is not to say that there are no organizations (besides religion) that help people, because there are certainly many. I am suggesting that when people bond together as families and as religions the word spreads faster, and more people are affected. Is working to help others risky? Absolutely, you are placing a part of your hope for a better world on the line.
I write this with as motivation to myself and challenge to others. I am putting my hope on the line by asking anyone who reads this to take the risk. How? Show someone you love them. Don’t be afraid to take that step that will make the unit of people, the ultimate league of justice, bigger. Don’t be afraid to hold onto a pile of sand for dear life. A grain or two may slip through here or there, but we can hold the better part of it together for a better world and a truer and happier self.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Long time no Blog
Our little Puppy!
He had these cute little paw print gloves!
The Whole family - I'm a Witch, and Cordell's a used car salesman (he had a hilarious wig on before this)
Happy belated Halloween!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Crazy 8's Tag
8 Favorite Restaurants?:
1. Famous Dave's (ummm... BBQ)
2. Olive Garden (went there last night and it was oh so good!)
3. Apollo Burger (A rare treat, too fatty -Gyros are my favorite)
4. Hickory Kissed (Awesome sandwiches down in Springville)
5. Ajo Al's (they only have this Arizona but it is hands down the best Mexican food I have ever had.)
6. The Red Iguana (the second best Mexican food I have ever had)
7. Chili's (need I say more?)
8. Bajio (Grandpa Van - "Where everyone knows your name!")
8 Things I did yesterday?:
1. Went to my mom's house
2. Dropped off Austin
3. Left on date with my Husband
4. Went to Olive Garden
5. Saw "American Carol" (a little crass, but drives home a good point in a funny way!)
6. Went back to my mom's
7. Saw Austin Sleeping on the couch (so cute!)
8. Went home and didn't go to sleep for another hour, because Austin wanted to be back sleeping on my mom's couch.
8 things I look forward to?:
1. My in-laws coming in two weeks!
2. Halloween (Austin is going to be a little doggie!)
3. The Twilight movie (go see the trailer at Twilightthemovie.com - so good!)
4. Annie coming out again!
5. Thanksgiving ( I am hoping to have a bunch of people at my house this year!)
6. Christmas--EVERYTHING about it! (diddo Bobbi!)
7. Green River Rafting in May
8. Definitely more babies (diddo that also Bobbi!)
8 things I love about Fall?:
1. The leaves changing color!
2. Hearing the wind blow outside, and being warm inside with a good book.
3. Decorating for Halloween
4. A cold night, and a warm bed.
5. The smell of Cold crisp air.
6. Pumpkin Cheesecake, Pumkin Pie, Pumkin Egg Nogg - Catch my drift?
7. Thanksgiving Turkey!
8. Holidays to share with family.
8 things on my wish list?:
1. That my kids will stay healthy and strong
2. That my children will always stay close to the Gospel and the Savior (dido Bobbi on the first two again!)
3. A yard
4. That I will be able to finish writing my book
5. 10lbs lost!
6. More service opportunities
7. A basement
8. More time with my Husband
Ahh Fall...
But then I woke up this morning to this -
So it was little downer on my mood, but the sun has come out. So maybe there will be a little redemption left in the day!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
October has arrived!
He really wanted to grab the Camera
He looks so cute, that I am sure if he could talk he would be thanking his Nana for getting that outfit for him!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Busy, busy, busy!
Speaking of going places, here are a few photos from some of our many adventures this last month.
We went to a wedding
Here's the happy couple!
and we went hiking and shooting in Montana!
So you can probably understand why we are so worn out. In fact I think I'll go take a nap. Ta-ta!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
It's Official!
So that's it. That's all you get after several grueling years of hard work, well that and a one up on your resume :D Yay for school!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Why I love being married!
10. He knows how in the heck a car works and can fix it for me
9. He will eat my cooking even when it isn't very good
8. He will still play monopoly with me even when I am sore loser
7. He will change a poopy diaper
6. I get cuddles and hugs whenever I need them
5. He gives me room to do the things I love
4. He's not afraid to do the dishes
3. He works hard to keep his family safe, and knows how to shoot a gun :D
2. He's taught me to work hard, and speak my mind, and be my own person
1. He Loves me!

Thursday, August 28, 2008
So much to do, so little time
Many of you who read this know that Cordell, my mom, Austin, and I loaded up our mid-sized Altima to the brim and drove *through the night* to New Mexico. Whereupon we chatted with my great grandma and where able to take some really great photos of four of the five generations from Austin to his great-great grandma brink. Here is a peek at some of them -
After a couple of days there we packed up our bags and continued our journey to Arizona. Where we where then able to take some really great four generation photos, here's a peek at some of those -
We had a great time visiting family! It was also fun for Austin to experience so many new things, he went swimming for the first time -
Meet a dog,
and floated in a crab :DWe have been home for about a week and Austin has been craving the kind of attention he got while he was surrounded by family. Good thing Cordell's family is coming out today to celebrate Cordell's graduation!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
My not-so-great day
The chaos did not end there. When I fed Austin Squash today he decided, going with the big boy trend, that he would feed himself. The pictures below describe it better then I could ever write it out -
So, after all the crying and only one nap I was sure that bedtime would be a cinch! Oh was I wrong... at first it was a success, he fell right asleep while he was eating. Then he thought it would be oh so cool to wake up just an hour later. Well it was another hour struggle and he was finally asleep. So now here I sit 10:00 at night writing to relieve the stress of a crazy day. To say the least I look forward to a better tomorrow!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Austin eating
Friday, August 1, 2008
Book Review: Wuthering Heights
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Almost August already???
Boy, he is going to be really embarrassed when he's a teenager to find out I posted a naked picture of him on the Internet!
Anyway enough about him I want to talk about me, it's my blog dang it! J/K! No, but I really just need to express to everyone how dang excited I am for Breaking Dawn!! I think I may wet my pants in anticipation. I just hope I can finish reading Wuthering Heights before Friday night. It's funny because reading Wuthering Heights has actually given me some insight into the Twilight Saga, I'm not saying that Stephenie Meyer has stolen anything from it but there are little things Heathcliff does that give me insights into both Edward and Jacob, even though Heathcliff is a totally diabolical jerk. I guess you'd have to read both books to really understand. So now that I've vented I won't say anything more about that, Whew! *wipes brow*
Going back to what I started to write about at the beginning of this blog is how time has flown. It seems as if everyday passes so quickly and I hardly get a moment to just sit down and write. back on July 19th I meant to write a blog about Austin's first hike but didn't get a chance, then on July 22 I was also going to sit down and write about Austin eating his first solid food and now here it is July 30th and I never did either of those things so here is brief recap using mostly pictures,
"Why the Heck am I in this thing, what's going on?"
"So this is Hiking huh? Great..."
Needless to say, hiking didn't go as well as I hoped, the path I choose was way to steep; with him on my back, and I really could have used some help, so hopefully next time will be better :) Now for our eating adventure!
"What's this thing being put in my mouth?"
"Why are you still taking pictures of me?"
Feeding him the first time was really fun! He looked so cute with food all over his face and hands! He really likes to eat now and does really well. Anyway, that the updates I have for now, see-ya later!
Friday, July 18, 2008
Book review: The penny tree